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  4. Kişisel Gelişim
İngilizce kitabı. This is Going to Hurt
 İngilizce kitabı. This is Going to Hurt
 Beden İngilizce kitabı. This is Going to Hurt
 Beden Renk İngilizce kitabı. This is Going to Hurt

İngilizce kitabı. This is Going to Hurt

This book is clearly sold as a light hearted, fun romp through the madness and hilarity of day to day life in a hospital. You pick it up off the ‘bestsellers’ section at Waterstones on Oxford Street and have a flick through, it will appear the marketing is correct. Humerous anecdotes galore, read it on the plane, train or bus without having to use too much of your brain and you’ll have a nice chuckle at the dry wit of the author. So you buy it, the garish yellow pages lending itself to the idea that it’s effectively a joke book for adults who don’t get too squeemish. So you start reading it and to begin with all seems as expected, admittedly it’s actually a little funnier than you thought and you find yourself full on belly laughing within the first twenty pages and then… suddenly… the entire illusion comes crashing down around you and your face stings as a tear rolls down your cheek.
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200 TL
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9 taksit imkanı
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